
What Is in My Mind?

Atsushi Hida
Practicum in Journalism
February 20, 2016
Japanese Food
                In my mind, I hate that when I am starving. I mean no one likes it. I always think about what do I want to eat. It sounds funny and kind of stupid but I really love to eat and cooking. I think most of people think about next meal. I like American food, Italian food, French food, Korean food, Mexican food, Chinese food, and Japanese food. So I am going to talk about my soul food Japanese food. I believe that it is the best food in the world. It was about three years ago, when I had to choose a University for study abroad. I had two choices, one is Avila University, and another one is West Virginia Wesleyan College. I choose Avila University because it is located near Kansas City that is kind of big city. It means I can get Japanese stuff around here easier than around West Virginia Wesleyan College that is located at county side. I was worry about if I cannot eat Japanese food at all when I came here America about three years ago. But I do not need to worry about it anymore because now I know where can I get Japanese stuff. I always cook Japanese food if I have time to cook it. So there are some reasons of why do I like Japanese food more than other country food. First reason is that I believe that Japanese food is healthier than other country food. For example, I choose Sushi which is most popular Japanese foo fin the world. Sushi is row fish on vinegared rice. Second reason, I am living in America so sometime I feel home sick which means I miss Japanese food. And I am learning English as second language. I have a problem that I could not explain or tell something in English. It makes me stressful. I already told about that I always cook Japanese food. It remains me home and feel better that is why I cook Japanese food if I have chance to do it. I really like that when my friends ate Japanese dish which I cooked it and they told me that was tasty, or tastes good. In my mind is still full of Japanese food.

By Atsushi Hida

“This is Japanese Rice which I got it from Asian market.”
“This is a rice cooker which I got it from Asian market.”
“These are Japanese unique stuff.”

In Japanese


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